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Scorecard -

Communications (Wireless, Networking, Storage)

P-cube, Inc.

Based both in Israel and Silicon Valley, this firm engaged Nif/T at its very early stages of formation, with the challenge to drive
their Series A fundraising with Silicon Valley VC's . Nif/T assisted the firm in improving their business plan, resulting an investment round, led by Accel Partners and Communications Ventures. Nif/T further assisted them with their marketing strategy and intellectual property identification and protection.

In late 2004, P-cube was successfully acquired by Cisco Systems for over $200M.

"… I can safely say that you are by far the
most brilliant analyst and the most creative
deal maker I have ever encountered, and
both qualities were manifested in the
process of forging our relationships with
Accel Partners and ComVentures…."

Yuval Shahar
President & CEO, Co-Founder
P-cube, Inc.

QuickSilver Technologies, Inc.

Nif/T spearheaded the re-start of this firm by improving its market positioning and vision into the wireless market, improving the economic model used to create the business plan, directing its financial re-engineering, and assisting with their first VC fundraising.


"… You provided valuable guidance,
financial scrutiny, advice, and due diligence
preparation, as we revised our initial
business plan into a workable and
compelling plan. We were new to the
venture funding process and needed an
experienced guide and critical advisor -
Nif/T more than qualified for this vital role…
due to your rich combination of technical
experience and business skills, you were
able to quickly assist us in the best means
to explain this technology to the financial
community and defend the value of the new
economic model…"

Jaime Cummins
President, CEO and Co-Founder,
Quicksilver Technologies,Inc.


Winbond Corporation

Nif/T worked together with this large international semiconductor firm to identify and assess a state of the art wireless technology start up firm, in cellular RF and
baseband GSM chipsets, resulting in a $7 M equity investment.

"… Many thanks for your efforts and your
organization's excellent work that resulted
in Winbond's successful equity participation
in Mobilink Telecom, Inc. …Your
organization demonstrated a broad set of
capability that included in depth technology
analysis, market analysis and strategies,
product planning, organizational planning,
and financial analysis…"

Michael Geilhufe
Vice President,
Business Development,
Winbond Corp.



Vertical Networks, Inc.

The products of this communications software company integrate the data and voice needs of medium or small offices, tying together such functions as PBX telephony, internet access, LAN (Ethernet), and ISDN or other WAN access. Nif/T helped the founders position their technology into the appropriate vertical segment, assisting them with their early thinking, business planning, and fundraising. Major investors were Kleiner Perkins and Accel Partners.


In 2004, Vertical Networks was acquired byArtisoft, Inc (ASFT).


"… I, on behalf of Vertical Networks, wouldlike to thank you for your huge efforts in theformation of Vertical Networks. I also wantto formally acknowledge your contributionsin Vertical's successful seed funding andthe pending second round funding. … Yourknowledge and considerations of the manyobstacles to spinning-off a venture enabledus to proactively work through theenormous corporate, legal and businessbarriers…"


Scott PickettFounder & CEO,Vertical Networks, Inc.





Kagoor Networks

A leader in Voice over IP products, funded
by CommVentures and others, this firm has
been leveraging Nif/T advice and know-how
since its inception. In addition, Nif/t lead the
development of their patent portfolio.


Kagoor was acquired in 2005 by Juniper
Networks for $68M.





Exanet Corp.

A storage network technology firm in Israel which Nif/T assisted in penetrating and establishing business relationships at various levels with such strategic target
accounts as Sun Microsystems, Hitachi Data Systems, and IBM Storage Group. Exanet's technology enables capacity and bandwidth scalability with linear cost up to tens of terabytes, for both NAS and SAN data structures. A solution that consolidates all storage facilities--local and
geographically dispersed--into a single, easy-to-manage resource, with ultra fastbackup.


"… You were able to penetrate our keytarget OEM partners in Silicon Valley ,Hitachi Data Systems, Sun Microsystems,and IBM Storage Division, and establishin-depth relationships with them. Thisrequired your rich combination of technicalexperience and business skills in thisarea… You came up to speed very fast inassisting us to explain to these strategictarget partners Exanet's technology and topromote our business case. Based on therelationships you established for us, youwere able to extract from them valuablefeedback about our early productspecifications…"


Dr. Giora Yaron

Chairman & CEO

Exanet Corp.




ARCi Corp.

A firm that has developed a Point to Multipoint fixed broadband wireless system, operating in the unlicensed bands, based on the DOCSIS protocol. Nif/t assisted them
with the development of their IP portfolio and financial restructuring of their operations, facilitating a successful Series B fundraising.


In 2003 ARCi merged with CoWave, Inc. to
form ArcWave Corp.




Nif/T Client

Acquired by

Nif/T Client

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Acquired by

Nif/T Client

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