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Patent Assessment and  Value Realization

Establishing the value of patents depends on several factors, which often are ambiguous and uncertain. A significant fraction of issued patents, in the USA or internationally, has little or no value for licensing purposes. An even smaller fraction of existing patents would be able to “stand in Court” and not be invalidated on various legal grounds.


Nif/T assists its clients with


  • Licensing client’s patents to third parties

  • Selling client’s patents to third parties

  • Freedom to Operate (FTO) analysis

  • Patent portfolio assessment for investors’ due diligence in new investment

  • Early analysis of potential infringement through Indication of Use (IOU)

  • In depth analysis of potential infringement, either defensive or offensive, through Evidence of Use (EOU)

  • Developing strategic options for client, either defensive or offensive, when the EOU analysis identifies problems or opportunities

  • Managing on behalf of clients patent litigation related activities based on full contingency, i.e. no major cash investment required by our client


Nif/T provides these services by aligning itself with the ultimate interests of its clients.


Patents for License and/or Sale
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